Did it move your compass?

The one measure of a story

Which stories moved your compass?

Max Envoy
2 min readJul 23, 2017


The one question you need to ask is

Did it move your compass?

Did it hit you?

Did it make you breathe in and think?

Did it make you change your mind?

My daughter and I watched a moving story aimed at children, it told a tale of a quiet old women with a secret

She was once a hero, but had never told her story.

Many years ago, she had saved the life of a young man. He was drowning.

She risked everything to save him

She hadn’t heard from him until years later he made contact, to tell her he now has 5 children and one grandchild.

The man makes a surprise visit, over long distances, and brings the grandchild.

All of this to tell the women they were naming the grandchild after her.

This moving discovery compelled the women to tell her story to her granddaughter, a story she had never wanted to tell…

…She had saved 7 lives.

I asked my daughter if this moved her, did it make her think? Did it prompt her to imagine the consequences of the women not taking action?

Did it move her compass enough to compel her to think about great stories, consequences and the power of action versus inaction.

The answer is:




Max Envoy

Professional advisor to gov and industry, creator, amateur father. I write original content about business, strategy, innovation, technology and success making.